1. Actors
Spatial development involves numerous actors: from local through regional and national to international groups and bodies, governmental and non-governmental, profit and non-profit organisations, representing the interest of particular groups or promoting issues of common interest.
All of these actors need to make their contribution to sustainable development. All of them are addressed by the Action Programme summarised below.
2. Role of VASAB
2.1 Principles of VASAB action
VASAB seeks to enhance the effectiveness of spatial policies. It follows the principle of subsidiarity - leaving action to other organisations if this promises better results.
VASAB engages only if a task can be better solved through transnational co-operation
Transnational co-operation is relevant where networking is an important development tool. Examples are transnational infrastructure and maritime transport development, development and protection of green areas and cultural landscapes, transnational regional economic development promotion.
VASAB acts if cross-border co-operation by national, regional or local governments requires political backing from international or national levels
Many spatial development tasks are in the hands of national, regional or local authorities and other actors, and don’t require transnationally coordinated action. These are not considered as an issue for VASAB.
This refers to most aspects of local/ regional planning, dealing with issues such as urban sprawl, regulating the development of large retail or recreation centers, reducing segregation in cities.
But if national, regional and local policies dealing with such problems can benefit from international experience, or if national problem awareness differs in BSR countries, VASAB may promote an international discussion and recommend policy options.
Regions cannot always fulfil their tasks in transnational co-operation successfully unless they are given support from national level. For example, cross-border co-operation for regional development normally requires an improvement of transport infrastructure, of communication systems, of border control procedures, of education system etc. Such improvement measures need national-level decisions. VASAB may facilitate a local-regional-national dialogue.
VASAB acts only if there is a clear spatial dimension
This is particularly relevant when measures are required to promote spatial cohesion within and across countries.
VASAB acts only where responsible other actors can be motivated to discuss their path of action with spatial planners
If the above conditions are met, VASAB will carefully assess whether responsible actors (regional, local self-government, sector institutions, international bodies) are - or can be influenced to become - receptive for a VASAB intervention:
2.2 Thematic focus
Based on the principles set out above, the CSD-BSR has identified six key themes where action may be taken in the future (see box). The concept to be promoted and potential projects will be discussed in more detail in chapter IV.3.
These six key themes, and their further concretisation through policy recommendations or through projects are the contribution of VASAB to the operationalisation of principles for sustainable spatial development, as proposed in ESDP and by CEMAT. The promotion of each key theme during coming years, and the lessons learnt in that process, will provide a building block for a BSR policy towards sustainable development.
2.3 Lines of action
To promote these key themes VASAB will follow five lines of action:
- Recommend transnational policy measures;
- Promote methodology development;
- Promote co-operation projects;
- Cooperate with other cross-BSR initiatives;
- Promote a dialogue with sector institutions.
Recommend transnational policy measures
VASAB sees as its role to highlight relevant issues and to present action options to national and transnational bodies.
Key themes for transnational co-operation for sustainable spatial development
to make ESDP and CEMAT Guiding Principles operational under BSR conditions
Co-operation of urban regions on key issues of sustainable development
Strategic development zones important for transnational integration within the BSR
Transnational transport links important for integration across-BSR and with Europe
Diversification and strengthening of rural areas
Development of transnational green networks, incl. cultural landscapes
Integrated development of coastal zones and islands
This line of action was started through the VASAB2010 document (1994). But it is intended to devote more time to the discussion and preparation of spatial policy recommendations. This may require less time allocation to individual projects.
To present relevant issues and options requires that spatial change processes will be monitored. No pan-Baltic spatial monitoring observatory is expected to be in place in the coming years. In the meanwhile, spatial monitoring will be based on observations by CSD-BSR members in their respective fields of responsibility and in their countries or regions. CSD-BSR shall be a forum where national partners present such issues.
In the longer term, the possibilities shall be explored to base on research within ESPON using national focal point institutions of BSR countries.
CSD-BSR may then specify issues of common interest and discuss policy implications.
This monitoring will focus on the specified key themes, but may also include other upcoming important areas of policy intervention.
One issue for such discussion is to clarify linkages between EU accession, regional and local development processes and spatial development. CSD-BSR members consider the elaboration, by each transition country, of a document on spatial impacts of accession important.
Monitoring includes also a regular assessment as to the effectiveness of VASAB action in the light of VASAB tasks. Such assessment has been presented in the Plus report for the first time, and shall be regularly repeated. On this basis, a revision of chosen implementation approach may be discussed.
Monitoring may also refer to the spatial impacts of actions by other pan-Baltic organisations.
The role of CSD-BSR to monitor spatial change processes is closely linked to its function as a discussion forum. Representatives from other organisations or experts may be invited depending on the specific theme.
VASAB will seek to promote the transnational integration of national spatial development plans, to highlight cross-border interdependencies and complementarities.
On the basis of these discussions recommendations may be elaborated, and their implementation be promoted, as regards transnational or national policies, regulations and programmes.
Promote methodology development
The VASAB initiative has, since its beginning, been a forum to discuss aspects of spatial planning and development methodology. This function has for some time been buried due to too many other tasks, including follow-up of projects initiated by the CSD-BSR.
It is intended to strengthen this line of action. Ongoing projects will be used as a source of inspiration. While operational guidance of projects will be left to respective project initiators, VASAB will feed in their specific demands for knowledge improvement, and will contribute to the discussion of project findings and of ways of implementation.
Methodology development will concentrate on the six priority themes, but may also include other issues of importance for national, regional and local spatial development.
Methodological discussions may relate to:
instruments to implement the programme
monitoring of impacts on sustainable development; in this context, the wide-spread application of Environmental and Spatial Impact Assessment shall be promoted at programme (strategic) and at project levels; this will include a broad dialogue on the further operationalisation of these tools
ways to maximise benefits from international cooperation
processes to involve actors from different levels and sectors.
Promote co-operation projects
This type of action was successfully started with projects executed directly under the guidance of CSD-BSR members.
In accordance with the subsidiarity principle, projects will normally not be led by VASAB. But VASAB may advise project initiators, as well as assist them, where possible, to establish partnerships, particularly beyond EU borders.
In a few cases, projects of strategic importance may also be executed with higher involvement of VASAB. As resource limitations restrict this possibility, participating countries will check the scope for future funding. Co-funding from other pan-Baltic bodies or from the EU will also be sought.
VASAB will explore the potential and the benefits of umbrella projects to accompany future InterregIIIB/ Phare/ Tacis projects more systematically, to:
Provide a platform for making partners of single projects aware of VASAB ideas and policy questions;
Ensure a transfer of experience from projects to those preparing national and transnational spatial policies;
Enhance linkages between project partner countries and countries not participating in the projects (EU and non-EU)
Close the gap between ‘top-down’ (VASAB) and ‘bottom-up’ (local/ regional projects), as they are working to the same goals.
A specific type of umbrella project is being considered which aims at the development of competence in strategic planning and sustainable development in the north-western regions of Russia.
VASAB members will continue to promote project ideas (particularly in the key themes), to inspire other potential actors, local regional, national or transnational.
CSD-BSRmembers will seek to help local/ regional project partners to achieve liaison with national and international sector institutions.
VASAB will continue its dialogue with the EU concerning programme priorities. CSD-BSR members will seek to discussions with national bodies administrating Phare and Tacis funds, to ensure their better use in spatially relevant projects.
VASAB advocates a further involvement of the CSD-BSR members in the work of the InterregIIIB Steering Committee and in the Baltic Joint Co-operation Committee of Baltic Phare CBC.
Cooperate with other cross-BSR initiatives
VASAB has entered into co-operation and discussion with a number of international organisations and bodies in the BSR, ranging from mutual participation in workshops and seminars to the co-operation in joint working groups.
This type of action is of considerable benefit because forces of different actors can be combined, and spatial development considerations find a widened audience.
Specifically VASAB envisages to enhance its involvement in Baltic 21 work. Balancing of different goals and sectors will be crucial in the continuation of Baltic21. It is considered to launch a joint demonstration project on the promotion of sustainable development by spatial policies. In particular, CSD-BSR seeks to extend its involvement in the work of the transport, tourism and industry sectors of Baltic 21.
Being a lead partner for Baltic 21 Spatial Planning Actions, VASAB intends to form a reference group encompassing other pan-Baltic organisations (UBC, HELCOM, BSSSC) and other relevant parties, to discuss ways for implementation of VASAB 2010 Plus. CBSS provides a framework within which to extend such co-operation.
Promote the dialogue with sector institutions
National and transnational sector institutions play an important role for the implementation of VASAB2010Plus. The dialogue with these institutions, to raise awareness of the need to consider spatial aspects, shall be further promoted.
This will be achieved through:
- Involvement of sector institutions in concrete projects initiated or inspired by VASAB;
- Proposal and substantiation of sector measures (including investments) on the basis of regional development concepts.
Among the sectors with which closer dialogue is sought are transport, environment, tourism, education & culture, agriculture, trade & industry.
3. Priorities for six key themes
As outlined in chapter IV, VASAB
proposes to concentrate on six key themes, considering four lines of action:
(1) Recommend transnational policy measures; (2) Promote co-operation projects;
(3) Cooperate with other cross-BSR initiatives; (4) Promote a dialogue with
sector institutions.
The proposed concepts, and potential projects or other action
will be further specified below. The involvement of VASAB will vary according
to the principles of subsidiarity and effectiveness.