Curriculum vitae

Personal dates:
Name: Audun Moflag
Date of birth: 4.10.1944

1963- Completed secondary education. Groruddalen skole, Oslo
1971- Bachelor of Architecture. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
1990- Further education course. Nordic Institute of Community Planning, Stockholm

Job assignments (after 1971) :
  • 01.09.71-30.06.74 VIAK A/S Consultant (detail plans, municipal plans, reports)
  • 12.08.74-30.04.77
    County Governor in Nordland county/ Nordland County Council
    Planner (government development program for North Norway)
  • 01.05.77-30.09.82
    Nedre Eiker Municipality
    Municipal planner (detail plans, municipal plan etc)

  • Various teaching assignments

  • 01.10.82-31.12.85
    Buskerud County Council
    Municipal planning adviser (government program for speeding up work on municipal planning)
  • 01.01.86-28.02.89
    Ministry of Environment
    Secretary of the Hiim commission (NOU 1988: 34).
  • 01.03.89-28.02.91
    Norwegian Association of Municipalities and County Councils
    Adviser (municipal policies on planning and housing)
  • 01.03.91-31.01.95
    Norwegian Association of Municipalities and County Councils/ Ministry of Environment
    Head of project (development program on county planning)
  • Kommuneforlaget (the Municipal publishing company)
    Contributions to Nils Aarsæther, editor. Samfunnsplanlegging (Chapter 6 on county planning). 1992
  • The county council chairmen’s working committee
    Secretary (Fylkeskommunen - vårt regionale folkestyre). 1993
  • 01.02.95-31.09.96
    Norwegian Association of Municipalities and County Councils
    Advisor (association activity planning and reports)
  • Main report of the development program on county planning (Med nye kort. Fylkesplanlegging for fornyelse av lokaldemokratiet). 1996
  • 01.10.96- to date
    Ministry of Environment
    Adviser (county planning system, VASAB co-operation, CEMAT)