3. VASAB projects and InterregIIC projects on issues promoted by VASAB
VASAB Action Plan 1996
(4th Ministerial Conference)
Promote projects
- Develop and complete ongoing projects;
- Expand the started project concerning boat tourism to a wider range of countries;
- Prepare an inventory, classification and exchange of experience with regard to natural and cultural landscapes; coordinate with Ministers of Environment;
- Prepare pilot projects for sustainable development of rural areas;
- Prepare a programme on balanced urban network development, together with UBC and towns and cities.
A first step towards implementation and demonstration was to initiate 'own' projects, as proposed in the Tallinn document ('projects').
Initially (1995-96), these projects were mainly funded by BSR member countries or regions. Only later has it become possible to use also EU funds for such projects, from Interreg, Phare and Tacis.
New momentum was gained for joint VASAB action at the Fourth Conference of Ministers for Spatial Planning and Development held at Stockholm/ Saltsjobaden, October 1996, where a document "From Vision to Action" was endorsed.
This action plan concentrated on three lines: to promote specific projects, to support project generation by others, and to cooperate with other pan-Baltic organisations.
The following section briefly discusses actions and results of new projects. In this context, also relevant other InterregIIC/ Phare/ Tacis projects are presented, and conclusions are drawn for future action.
The section is structured as follows:
3.1 Cross-border co-operation for regional development
3.2 Settlement system
3.3 Spatial development and transport system
3.4 Rural areas
3.5 Coastal zones
3.6 Planning tools and methods
3.7 Conclusions