In accordance with the action plan presented in the VASAB2010 report (1994), and its revision from the Stockholm conference (1996), the VASAB co-operation has embarked on promoting corresponding action. Since 1999, this was largely supported by the EU's InterregIIC and Phare/ Tacis programmes.
This section summarises the action taken and presents a evaluation.
1. Dissemination of VASAB concepts
VASAB2010 was the first transnational spatial development document for a wider region, world-wide. Following the Tallinn conference, VASAB explored ways of implementing the vision.
Spatial development is a task where many sectors and many actors are involved. Therefore, it was concluded that spatial planners play more a catalytic than an executive implementing role.
As a consequence, a main activity of VASAB was to disseminate and to discuss its concepts. This task was shared by CSD/BSR members as well as by the VASAB Secretariat, using numerous events at national, sub-national and international levels.
Highlights of VASAB promotion included: meetings with DGXVI of the EU Commission, study visit to Karelia (1995), VASAB exhibition at 6th Hansa Business Days in Karlskrona (May 1995), presentation of VASAB at the Baltic Conference in Bornholm June 1995, various publications and presentations at the VASAB homepage, presentations at various seminars, mutual invitations to other cross-Baltic organisations.
But VASAB 'marketing' was not limited to this. A main ambition was to discuss ways to implement the vision and to demonstrate this through concrete projects.
Three approaches were chosen for this purpose: (a) initiation of projects 'owned' by VASAB (projects); (b) support to the initiation of projects by other actors and (c) discussion and co-operation with other transnational bodies.
Parallel, VASAB contributed with its concepts to preparatory discussions on European-level spatial planning documents, namely ESDP and CEMAT's 'Guiding Principles'.