ANNEX 2: Sources on national spatial planning
in BSR countries
Minister for the Environment, Miljostyrelsen, 1999:
DRAFT - Begraensning af transportsektorens CO2-udslip – muligheder
og virkemidler, Copenhagen
Minister for the Environment, 1992: Denmark på
vej mod år 2018 (2 volumes), Copenhagen
Danish Government, 1999: Lokal identitet og nye udfordringer,
Minister for the Environment, 1997: Danmark og europaeisk
planpolitik, Landsplanredogørelse fra miljo- og energiministeren,
Minister for Transport, 1999: Trafikministerens redegørelse
til Folketinget om byernes trafik, Copenhagen
Ministry for Transport, 1993: Trafik 2005, Problemstillningar,
mål og strategier, Copenhagen
Ministry for Transport, 1999: Transport Planning and
Environment, Copenhagen
Minister for the Environment, 2000: Landsplanredegørelse,
Udkast af 31.januar 2000 (non-published working paper), Copenhagen
Üleriigiline planeering Eesti
2010. Tallinn, 1999. – (National Planning Document Estonia 2010. - Draft.
Eesti keskkonnastrateegia. – Riigi
Teataja I, 1997, 26, 390. – (Estonian National Environmental Strategy)
Eesti keskkonnategevuskava – Tallinn: Keskkonnaministeerium,
WS Atkins & Co, 1998. – (Estonian National Environmental Action Plan)
Eesti regionaalarengu strateegia.- (Estonian Regional
Development Strategy, - http:www.erda.ee/pdf/Eesti_reg_arengu_strateegia.PDF)
The Committee for Urban Policy, 1999: Kaupunkipolitiikan
asiakirja (Policy document on urban policy), Helsinki
The Ministry of Economy, 1998: The Centre of Expertise
Programme, Helsinki
The Ministry of the Environment, 1995: Finland 2017,
Spatial Structure and Land Use, Helsinki
The Ministry of the Environment, 1995: Finland’s forests
– timber and biodiversity, Helsinki
The Ministry of the Environment, 1999: The Built Environment
in Finland - Land Use, Housing and Building, Helsinki
The Ministry of Transport and Communication, 1999:
Operating Strategy and Financial Plan 2000-2003, Helsinki
The Ministry of Transport and Communication, 1997:
Guidelines for Transport Operations until 2020, Helsinki
The Ministry of the Environment, 1999: Reform in the
Land Use Planning System, The new Land Use and Building Act of Finland,
The Ministry of the Environment, 1998: National Action
Plan for Biodiversity in Finland 1997-2005, Helsinki
Government of Finland, 1999: Information to the eighth
session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, Helsinki
Wirtschaftsminister des Landes
Mecklenburg Vorpommern: Erstes Raumordungsprogramm für das Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern,
Entwurf; 22. Juni 1992
Bundesminister für Raumordung,
Bauwesen und Städtebau: Raumordnungsbericht, 1993
Bundesministerium für Raumordnung,
Bauwesen und Städtebau, Raumordnungspolitischer Orientierungsrahmen
– Leitbilder für die räumliche Entwicklung der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland, 1993
Bundesminister für Raumordung, Bauwesen und Städtebau:
Raumordnungspolitischer Handlungsrahmen, 1995
Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung, Raumordnungsbericht
2000, Bonn 2000
Concept of Regional Development Policy of Latvia,
National Development Plan 2000-2002, 1999
Rural Development Plan of the European Community Support
for Agriculture and Rural Development in Latvia, 2000 – 2006, 1999. XII
6, Ministry of Agriculture
Annual Report in Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture,
1999 (in Latvian)
National Transport Development Programme
(1996 - 2010), 1995. XI. 14.
National Environmental Policy Plan for Latvia, 1996
Program for Rural Social
Development and Population Employment. 1995 – Vilnius.
National Tourism Development
National Development Plan. 2000 – Vilnius.
Mid-term Industry Development
and Implementation Strategy Project. 2000 – Vilnius.
Development Program of
the State Roads for the year 1998 – 2000 and 2001- 2005.
TINA – Transport Infrastructure
Needs Assessment for Associated States in Central Europe. Ministry of
transport of Lithuania. TINA/BSA Subgroup. June,1998.
European Network Transport
1st and 9th Corridors Development in Lithuania. Ministry of Transport
of Lithuania. 1996
Administration Reform of
the Territory of Lithuanian Republic, the Second Stage. 1995 – Vilnius.
Agriculture and rural development
plan 2000-2006. 1999 – Vilnius.
The comprehensive plan
of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania:
Real situation analysis,
1997 - Vilnius,
Preliminary solutions,
1999 – Vilnius.
The State Environment Conservation Strategy. 1995
– Vilnius.
Jernbaneverket, Kystverket, Luftfartsverket, Statens
vegvesen, 1999: Forslag til Nasjonal transportplan 2002-2011, Oslo
Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research
(NIBR), 1997: Compendium of Spatial Planning Systems and Policies, Norway,
NIBR-report 1997:24, Oslo
Miljøverndepartementet (in co-operation with
the other ministries), 1998: Nasjonale mål og interesser i fylkes-
og kommuneplanleggingen, Rundskriv T-2/98, Oslo
The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture, 1998:
A dozen facts about Norwegian agriculture and agricultural management,
The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture, 1996:
Aquaculture — a Motive Force in the Norwegian Coastal Industry, Oslo
Directorate of Nature Management + web-sites of different
Norwegian Ministries
The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Environment, 1997:
Regional planning and land-use policy, report no.29 to the Storting, Oslo
The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Economy, 1997: Long-term
programme 1998-2001, Oslo
National Strategy for Regional Development (Narodowa
Strategia Rozwoju Regionalnego)
National Policy of Spatial Development
(Koncepcja Polityki Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju ”POLSKA 2000+”)
Second National Environmental Policy
(Druga Polityka Ekologiczna Państwa) followed by the National Strategy
of Environmental Protection
National Strategy for Agriculture
and Rural Areas Development (Narodowa Strategia Rozwoju Rolnictwa i Obszarów
National Strategy for Development
of Transport (Narodowa Strategia Rozwoju Transportu)
National Strategy for Employment and Human Resources
Development (Narodowa Strategia Zatrudnienia i Rozwoju Zasobów
Federal Law «On Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad
Region (KR)», January 22, 1996, ¹ 13-FL.
Decree of the Russian Government «On Federal Purpose
Programme to Develop the Special Economic Zone in the KR in 1998-2005»,
September 29, ¹1259.
Legislation of the KR «On Local Free Economic Zones
in the KR», October 30, 1997, ¹ 36.
Legislation of the KR «On protection of the population
and area of the KR from emergency situations of natural and man-caused
character», November 20, 1997.
Legislation of the KR «On giving bowels depthes of
the earth for mining of mineral deposits and building of underground constructions
in the KR area», June 27, 1997.
Legislation of the KR «On Ecological Expertise», June
27, 1997.
Legislation of the KR «On Conditions to Stimulate
Investments into the KR», May 11, 1995.
Legislation of the KR «On Tourist Activity in the
KR», December 16, 1997.
Legislation of the KR «On Land Melioration in the
KR», December 26, 1997.
Legislation of the KR «On amber conservation and rational
use in the KR area», February 15, 1996.
Legislation of the KR «On Conservation of Historical
and Cultural Heritage Objects and Natural Heritage Objects in the KR area»,
January 26, 1995.
Decree of the Russian Government «On urgent measures
to stabilize economic situation in the Kaliningrad Region».
Urban building Code of the KR (October 15, 1999, ¹
Russia/ St. Petersburg
Strategic Plan for St.Petersburg 1997 (http://www.stratplan.leontief.ru/)
The Investment Strategy for the Rehabilitation
of the Centre of St. Petersburg (http://spbcentre.leontief.ru/)
Enhancing synergy: Integration of strategies, policies
of the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast in the context
of the Northwest region of Russia, http://www.tacis-synergy.leontief.net/
Sweden 2009 – a spatial vision,
Swedish Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket)
Nationell plan för vägtransportsystemet
1998 – 2007 (National Road Authority)
Fastställd stomnätsplan
1998 – 2007 Banverket (National Rail Authority)
SAMPLAN report 1999:2 Strategic
analysis, report to the government about directions for infrastructure
planning during the period 2002 – 2011
Parliament decision spring 1997
related to the proposition “Infrastrukturinriktning för framtida
Miljöbalken SFS 1998:808
Teknisk framsyn för Sverige,
samhällets infrastruktur
Storstadspolitik för 2000 talet
(arbetsmarknadsutskottet bet.1998/99:AU2) (prop.1997/98:165).
Öresund - en region bliver
til Rapport udarbejdet av den danske og svenske regering, maj 1999
Långtidsutredningen, finansdepartementet
Regeringens proposition om regionala
tillväxtavtal (prop. 1997/98:62) (Proposal from the government on
regional growth agreements)
Propositionen "Den regionala samhällsorganisationen"